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Going Fishing! お釣りへ!

執筆者の写真: エイブエイブ


Get skunked - 一匹も釣れないで帰る

All of a sudden - 突然

Reel in - リールをまく

Happy as a clam - ちょう幸せ

On a roll - 好調/うまくいって

Invasive species - 外来種

Call it a day - 終わりにする

A shit load - 沢山/いっぱい

Fillet - 魚を捌く

Turn out good - うまくいく

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One of the most memorable days from our trip to Hawaii was the day we went fishing. There are a lot of good places to fish in western Canada, so it’s something that we did a lot growing up. My brother planned a fishing trip for us where two guides take you out on a boat and you fish all day. The guides were friendly and seemed to know everything about Kauai island. We brought sandwiches for lunch and a case of beer.

For the first two or three hours we didn’t catch any fish, but we saw a lot of humpback whales! We thought that even if we got skunked, at least we saw some whales! Then all of a sudden my dad’s finishing rod started bobbing up and down. He excitedly reeled the fish in, and the guide scooped it up with a net. He looked happy as a clam.

After that, the Lawson’s were on a roll! We were reeling them in non-stop! We caught a bunch of bonito and tuna... Jamie didn’t have much luck though. He only caught one weird yellow fish that the guides said was an invasive species. Poor Jamie.

We continued to fish on the way back to the dock, but we were all tired and ready to call it a day. Then there was a huge bite on one of the rods. Holy crap, it was so hard to reel it in, “this must be a monster” we thought. Our arms got tired so we had to take turns reeling.

It took almost 45min for us to get the fish close, but finally the guides were able to net it and get it into the boat. It was a huge long fish called a “wahoo”. It was my first time to see a wahoo. The guides were excited because it was huge and they were going to sell it to a restaurant. That’s the deal - after the trip, the guides give you some fish to eat, but they keep the rest to sell. Luckily we caught a shit load of fish so they were very generous!

They filleted the fish right there on the dock, and gave us about 4kg of meat. That was enough for us to eat fresh fish every day for the rest of the trip. Everyone wanted to eat sashimi, and I guess they thought I know how to cut sashimi because I live in Japan... I didn’t really know what the hell I was doing, but luckily it turned out pretty good.



Apr 22, 2020

Hi Manoさん! Luckily that fish was very easy to slice! Your name means shark! That’s funny🤣 Maybe your nickname should be “Sharky”. It sounds cool!😎 Mano “Sharky” Nagao 😎😎かっけー!笑


Apr 21, 2020

Hi, Abeさん!

I am also happy as a clam looking at the wonderful pictures😆✨

You are better than me to slice fish into sashimi 👍

I knew the fish called wahoo for the first time🐟

By the way, Mano seems to mean shark in Hawaiian.🦈💦



Apr 21, 2020

Hi Makoto, Yes it was a great trip! One thing I learned was that you should wait one day before eating the fish’s meat because it becomes a little hard from fighting for it’s life. The guide told us about this. It’s especially important if you plan to eat the fish raw.


Apr 20, 2020

What a wonderful trip! You really enjoyed a fun time with your family. I wished I could have eaten sashimi you filleted^_^

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