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Have you ever been to Hawaii?

執筆者の写真: エイブエイブ


ESL level: Basic / Intermediate

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Have you ever been to Hawaii? I went there for the first time about a year ago. Many people say Hawaii is a “special place”, but I didn’t understand why. I always thought it’s just an expensive version of Thailand. I love Thailand! Why go to Hawaii?

Well, my dad really wanted to get the family all together for a holiday, and Hawaii is right between Japan and North America. So that’s where we decided to go.

The final destination was Kauai island, so we had to transfer in Honolulu. I was surprised to see birds in the airport. Awesome! One point for Hawaii🤙

When we arrived on Kauai the weather was sunny and warm. It was really easy to get an Uber from the airport, and the driver was friendly.🤙🤙

He told us a little bit about Kauai island and drove us about 30min to the house where we were staying. It was too early to check in, so we took a walk down to the beach, and then went to the local store to get some food for the evening. It was so expensive! They were selling crappy wrapped sandwiches for like, $13. Give me a break!

Later on we took a walk through some lovely green hills to the ocean. The sun was shining, but not too hot... A warm breeze rustling the giant leaves of the palm trees. There was a sweet smell in the air, and very few people around to smell it. I’m starting to see why Hawaii is a “special place”.🤙🤙🤙

英会話 リスニング / シャドーイング ベーシック/ 中級 レベル


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